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Stěhování do Antalye v roce 2024: Průvodce náklady pro cizince


Moving to Antalya in 2024? With its stunning beaches and rich cultural heritage, Antalya has become an attractive destination for expatriates. If you are considering relocating to this Turkish city, it is crucial to understand the costs involved. This blog post will break down the expenses foreigners can expect when moving to Antalya in 2024.

Housing Costs in Antalya

One of the most significant expenses when moving to Antalya is housing. In 2024, rental prices for a one-bedroom apartment in the city center range from $300 to $500 per month. If you prefer living in the suburbs, expect to pay between $200 and $350. For those looking to purchase property, prices per square meter in the city center are around $1,500, while in the outskirts, they are approximately $1,000.

Stěhování do Antalye

Daily Living Expenses in Antalya

The cost of living in Antalya is relatively affordable compared to many Western countries. Monthly utilities, including electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage, typically cost around $70 to $100. Internet services are priced at approximately $20 to $30 per month. Groceries for a single person usually amount to around $150 to $200 monthly. Dining out is also reasonable, with meals at mid-range restaurants costing between $10 and $20.

Transportation Costs in Antalya

Public transportation in Antalya is both efficient and inexpensive. A monthly pass for buses and trams costs about $30. If you prefer driving, gasoline prices are around $1.20 per liter. Additionally, purchasing a new car in Antalya can cost anywhere from $15,000 to $25,000, depending on the make and model.


Overall, the cost for foreigners to move to Antalya in 2024 is manageable, making it an appealing option for expatriates. By understanding the housing, daily living, and transportation costs, you can better plan your move and enjoy all the benefits this beautiful city has to offer.

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