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Turkish real estate

Antalya se classe à nouveau en tête des ventes de logements aux étrangers au cours des cinq premiers mois de 2024 !

Overview of Housing Sales to Foreigners in Turkey In the first five months of 2024, Turkey experienced a notable decline in housing sales to foreigners, with a 45.8% decrease compared to the same period in the previous year. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, a total of 9,024 houses were sold to foreign nationals during this timeframe. This downturn marks a significant shift in the Turkish...

Acheter un logement en Turquie : Coûts, processus et opportunités

Buying a home in Turkey has become increasingly attractive for both local and international investors. This blog post provides comprehensive information on the costs, processes, and opportunities involved in purchasing property in Turkey. Introduction to the Turkish Real Estate Market Buying a home in Turkey has gained popularity over the past decade due to the country’s strategic location bridging...

Billets de 10 et 20 sur une table en bois brun

Comment acheter une maison en Turquie et obtenir la citoyenneté ?

Are you considering buy a house in Turkey ? Not only can owning a property in this beautiful country provide you with a great investment opportunity, but it can also open doors to obtaining Turkish citizenship. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of buying a house in Turkey and how you can become a citizen. Why Invest in Turkish Real Estate? Turkey has become an increasingly popular...

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